Super Bomb Bugs
Super Bomb Bugs

Super Bomb Bugs

Super Bomb Bugs

Super Bomb Bugs are embarking on a very long adventure under the ground. A razor machine is coming and these bugs need to move upside down to get rid of the razors. On their way, there will be some other robots, obstacles, and some other things too. You will find some packages and these packages will bring you some powerful suits. Each of these suites has its own feature. For instance, one of the suits will gain you fireball power-up and the other one will bring you hiding power-up. Use these power-ups to proceed easily.

Single Player Mode:

Move: "W,A,S,D"
Lob: "SPACE"
Drop: "M"

Two Player Mode:

Player 1:
Move: "W,A,S,D"
Lob: "C"
Drop: "V"
Press the "2" key on story mode to activate Player 2

Player 2:
Lob: ","
Drop: "."

Have fun!