Shape Transform Race
Shape Transform Race

Shape Transform Race

Shape Transform Race

Shape Transform Race is a fun racing game that can be played in reaction-based 1 and 2 player game modes. You can play the game against bots or against your friend. Always be the fastest by choosing the right vehicle for the terrain! You can unlock new vehicles and characters with the coins you earn from the races.

Game Controls:

You can use "MOUSE" or touch controls to change vehicles.
For 2 player mode, you can use "A,S,D" and "J,K,L" keys for shortcuts to change vehicles.

How to Play?

  1. Your character can transform into different shapes to overcome obstacles.
  2. You must change into the appropriate form according to the type of obstacle: Boat for water, car for road, airplane to move in the air, etc.
  3. Make the transformations in time to maintain your speed and leave your opponents behind! 
  4. The first one to reach the finish line wins!

Shape Transform Race Features:

  • Shape Transformation: Transform your character according to the terrain and proceed without slowing down.
  • Various Tracks: Each with different difficulties, fun and full of surprises.
  • Fast and Dynamic Gameplay: Determine your strategy, overcome obstacles with the right transformations.
  • Fun Competition: Race against your friends or artificial intelligence!

How to Play Shape Transform Race Unblocked?

Shape Transform Race is a game produced and originally published by TwoPlayerGames. It can be played by 1 or 2 player under the Unblocked TwoPlayerGames category.

Is the game played by one or two people?

The game can be played both alone and as two people like other multiplayer games offered by

What are similar games?

Shape Shifting, Animal Transform Race and Spider Evolution are also similar hyper-casual games on TwoPlayerGames and can give you similar pleasure.

Is the game free?

Yes! You can play Shape Transform Race completely free at

Is there character or vehicle development?

Yes, you can upgrade your features with the rewards you earn at the end of the levels, just like in Shape Shifting.

Which vehicles offer the best performance in the game?

Vehicle types are designed to perform best on different surfaces. It is important for players to complete their races more effectively by choosing the most suitable vehicle for each surface.