Paper War
Paper War

Paper War

Paper War

Paper War is a rendition of the popular board game and it's designed to offer you a way to test your capabilities to protect your units while eliminating the ones created by the enemy. In Paper War you have a 2-player and online component, and you get to play against real people or AI, depending on the situation.

The great thing about the game is that you get to test out a variety of different strategies to see what works for you and what you enjoy the most. It's rewarding and fun, but it also brings in a sense of levity and value all the time.

Once you place the units on the side, you will start attacking the enemy units as you try to win. If you want to win, then all you have to do is try and destroy all the enemies as fast as you can. It's an incredible game experience and you will find it a lot of fun as you explore all the ideas and challenges along the way.

Paper War comes with intense gameplay and fun animations and it's very creative. Test your wits and skills with Paper War, it's an incredible game with some exciting and fun ideas for you to explore!


  • Intense gameplay
  • Easy to play, very immersive
  • Simple graphics
  • 2 Player and multiplayer