Deal or No Deal
Deal or No Deal

Deal or No Deal

Deal or No Deal

What is Deal or No Deal?

Deal or No Deal Flash Game is a competition simulation developed in 2005 based on the popular TV competition program "Deal or No Deal" and offers all the excitement of the competition. As in the TV program, you determine a bag, select other bags and proceed, and evaluate the offers the bank offers you and try to get the highest prize.

How to Play Deal or No Deal?

  1. Then start the competition as "DEAL".
  2. Choose one of the 26 bags for yourself.
  3. Then start opening the bags by selecting them.
  4. Evaluate the offers from the bank.
  5. You need to strategize between accepting the banker's offer or trying to get the biggest prize.
  6. When you feel you have reached the highest prize, withdraw from the competition.
  7. If you do not accept the banker's offer, the bag you choose will be opened at the end of the game and the prize inside will be won.
  8. Game controls are with the "MOUSE".

Deal or No Deal Game Features

  • Provides a nostalgic experience.
  • Improves your strategy and risk management skills.
  • It can only be played on PCs and you can play it offline.
  • Deal or No Deal offers a chance-based excitement.
  • It keeps players' excitement high with tension-increasing music and banker offers.