The series of Bomb It games is on the with the 5th series. Refurbished war maps, new weapons, and different surprises are waiting for you in Bomb It 5. Adventures await you in this game where you can play for 2 players or single player.
Game controls:
1. Player:
Navigation: "Arrow Keys"
Leave a Bomb: "Spacebar"
PS: If you are playing in single mode, you can use the "W, A, S, D" keys for navigation.
2. Player:
Navigation: "W,A,S,D"
Leave A Bomb: "Enter"
After selecting the desired section of the game you want to play, you can identify that single or two players game from "Players", how many enemies you want to have from the "Enemies", how many levels you want to play from the "Levels", the maps you want to play from the "Arena" and the levels of difficulty as "Easy, Normal, Hard" from among the three levels of difficulties from the "Difficulty" section.