The Fly Car Stunt saga continues with the 3rd game of the series. Amazing roads with a Neon and Futuristic theme provide a brand-new experience. Car wings are made of fire now and major improvements in controls are implemented for better flying. The new game has 12 different levels and as the game progresses number of traps increases as well.
Sometimes you will be going through tunnels, and other times you will use nitro to fly in empty spaces. Also, there is a time limit on each level and you need to beat the timer in order to progress! If your car spins out of the road or route, it will respawn from the last contact point on the platform.
Player 1
Move: "W, A, S, D"
Nitro: "T"
Camera: "Y"
Player 2
Nitro: "P"
Camera: "C"
Restart: "R"
Game Features: